Taylor loves her older brother to take her for a ride in his
pow pow power wheels car. It is too cute.

Here we have Taylor throwing a fit on the kitchen floor.

Man I love my kids.

If you haven't noticed, that is Desitin on the corner of her mouth.
Grady yelled from the living room, "Mommy - Daddy, Tay is eating
toothpaste!" LOL

Grady actually fell asleep like this. Jealous?
They're such cute kids and so cute and fun together..hope to see you soon!
Too cute! I wish I could fall asleep like that!
Em...I am so glad you looked at my blog so I can look at yours! Your kids are absolutely adorable. So fun to see how big they've gotten and how much fun they are. I miss you! Miranda was just saying the other day how she's appreciated your friendship for so many years and I feel the same way! Love ya girl!
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