Saturday, September 27, 2008


I love sliding! The last picture Grady actually took. He is super good at taking pictures! Too cute!

Friday, September 26, 2008

What I LOVE about Halloween

#1 reason ever - - Kids in costumes...especially my kids!!!
2. Candy Galore!
3. Decorations (I can never have enough)
4. Dressing myself up as some hilarious character (last year I was a carrot) 
5.  Did I say candy?
6.  Carving Pumpkins
7.  Cooking the pumpkin seeds
8.  Trick or treating (you bet I go!)
9.  Carmel apples (I realize you can eat these any time of year, but it's the most fun at Halloween)
10.  That I celebrate it in September!  OH YEAH!

Happy Halloween

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I love rain


Check out Grady's Halloween's BATMAN! He puts it on at least once every day. :)

Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins

We couldn't help ourselves. We had to buy pumpkins in September!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Haircut anyone? Jason is your man!

Thumbs up!


These pictures were all taken during the weekend. I would have taken pics of Grady as well, but he has been sick with the flu. :(

M and J

I love my husband.

Friday, September 12, 2008


We had so much fun at the zoo w/ Aunt Jenny and cousin Addie!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Liberty Park

I love this park! You can go on any ride for just $1.00. Get better!

Sleeping Prince

He actually fell asleep like this!

My Bro and Me

This is my brother Mike and me. He's single ladies! If you're interested, you'll have to pass the sister test first. :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Mommy and Grady

Grady is the most wonderful boy in the entire world. Last night before he fell asleep, he turned to me and said, "I love you so much mommy." I was flying! I am one lucky mommy!


This was barely this last week! I love it when mother nature gets cloudy, windy, and mysterious. You just know she has something more to say!

Family portrait

I found this and had to post it! Like I said before, I love family portraits and

this one is priceless. Check out that bow on Tay...get bigger right? LOL.. Daddy and Grady look extremely handsome. Woot-woot!


Here we have my niece Victoria, Grady, and neighbor Jo Jo. They all had a ball swimming in the pool! Too fun!

Everyday Taylor

This is everyday Taylor. She is such a character. She loves to sit in "big girl chair" and pretend she is as big as her brother. What a joy!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Nail clippers

I had to share this too as Taylor cracks me up everyday.  Last night she found the nail clippers and grabbed her foot pretending to trim her toe nails even though she had moccasins on.  LOL!  I love this girl!

Melt My Heart...again

Last night I was talking to Grady and asked him what his favorite color was?  He said, "pink, red, and blue."  I then asked Grady, "What is your favorite thing?  What makes you the happy?"  Without any promptings from me or Jason, Grady says, "Mommy, Daddy, and Tay."  

I melted...into mush.  Talk about the sweetest thing a mom could hear.  I love my son!