Well yesterday November 12, 2008 Grady turned 4. I can't believe it. He is growing so fast...too fast. :) He is so sweet. He always makes sure he gives me lots of hugs and kisses every day. And whenever we say prayers he never forgets to bless all the grandmas and grandpas.
Another thing about Grady is he is SO independent. He likes to dress himself and put his shoes on (this takes FOREVER) but I have to let him do it because it's good for him, he has to put his own seatbelt on, pour his own milk, zip his jacket (this also takes forever), brush his teeth, and he has to lead the way when we go on walks.
It is so fun watching him grow into a young man. The amount of love I have for my son is more than I can explain. My kids are EVERYTHING to me and I am truly grateful for the examples they are to me in my life. There is no greater blessing.
We are having his birthday party this weekend so I'll post the pictures after that. Thanks for reading. :)