Thursday, October 30, 2008

Low Rider

First of all "Low Rider" is one of my all time favorite songs. Anyhow, here we have Taylor's favorite thing to do... have Grady take her for a ride.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Old or New

This story might make you cry so beware...

Grady was in my mom's garage and saw a dog kennel that belonged to my dog Chance who passed away a few years ago. Grady asked grandma "who's cave is that?" My mom told him it belonged to their dog Chance who passed away because he was really, really old. She said that he was old like great grandma and that dogs get old just like people. Grady sat and listened and then after a moment asked my mom, "Grandma...are you old or new?" My mother's eyes filled with tears and she said, "I'm medium." Grady, the sweet spirit he is, then said to my mother, "Grandma, I want you to be new."

Wow, my son Grady totally understands what life is all He is such a great example to me and I am so grateful for him.


Don't you just love when you set your alarm and your child wakes you up 40 minutes before your alarm is set to go off? It's not as if I can just fall back asleep because by the time I do fall back asleep, I'm going to have to get up in 10 minutes. It happened to me this morning and actually it happens to me alot! However, I have to admit that it has been nice to hang out with the little man for a couple of hours this morning just him and I. Good mommy-son bonding. :) Gotta love it baby!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall Leaves

I went on a walk last evening and it is GORGEOUS outside! Sugarhouse (where we live) is breathtaking during Fall season. The streets are lined with trees with bright yellow, orange, red, brown, green, and even black leaves. It was about 6:30pm and the sun was beginning to set. I began to feel a sort of calm, serenity. It was beautiful. I am so grateful for the beauty this "place" has to offer. It allows the craziness of life to stop for a moment and bring me to where I like to be..."home". I hope everyone who reads this is enjoying life and what mother nature has to offer. I love you all.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Here the kids are enjoying mother nature while the weather is still tolerable. We LOVE being outside.

Boo At The Zoo

The first pic is Grady, Tay, and I on the train at the Zoo. The train is always the highlight of the day for Grady. Tay was so tired she passed out.

Next you have my mom, Grady, Tay, and I all at Boo At The Zoo! It was super crowded, but still lots of fun. Here we are dancing to the live band. Grady and Tay really like to groove to the music!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Okay so I have to share THE YEAR'S FUNNIEST least I thought it was. :) Jason went in the kitchen and noticed there was pepper ALL OVER the place. When we asked Grady what happened he said, "It wasn't me, It was Tay." Jason and I then asked Grady, "How did Tay reach the pepper?" Grady says and I quote, "She jumped up and grabbed the pepper. And then when she landed she did a back flip."

WHAT? IS THIS KID FOR REAL? I laughed so hard I thought my stomach was going to pop!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday Night

Grady and I took pictures of each other last night and I promised I would post them on our blog so here you go. :)

Taylor Tantrums

Tantrums... gotta love em right?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Fam minus the one taking this picture

Yes, you guessed it. Another pic by Graden Dean Workman. This kid has talent! :)
By the way, notice my 2 different colored socks. My sister must be right. There has to be a sock heaven somewhere..

Good Looking Grady

I love my son!


Grady, Karli, and Walker. (Karli and Walker are my brother Scott's two adorable kids)

Birthday Girl!

It was my birthday on October 9. I'm 27! Wow getting closer to 30...hhmmm


Can we say, "Creepy?" This gave me the heebee jeebee's!


Tay loves to go under the kitchen table.